How to choose the best high chair?
How to choose the best high chair?
A high chair isn’t absolutely necessary when introducing complementary foods to babies but it can certainly be practical. If you’re advising parents and caretakers on starting solids, the question will surely come up.
I decided to ask Catherine Cusson, an occupational therapist to help guide us.
What are the top 3 criteria to look for when shopping for a high chair?
1) The high chair must place baby in a 90 degree angle in between his/her back and hips
best high chair, high chair, baby, blw
best high chair, high chair, baby, jessica coll, blw
Therefore we want to avoid all high chairs that slightly recline backwards like the first image above.
A high chair with foot support (second image) is much more comfortable for babies and ensures a better position. We love the Tripp Trapp chair by Stokke which can be used from starting complementary foods all the way throughout childhood.
2) It must have good back support
bumbo, baby led weaning, best high chair, high chair
We want to choose a high chair with a seatback that’s higher than the top of the baby’s head. We want to avoid choosing booster seats like this one with a low seatback:
3) It must allow baby to have a 90 degree angle for his/her forearms
best high chair, high chair, blw, baby
This way, baby will have easier access to his/her foods on the tray. We want to avoid choosing high chairs with a tray that’s too high like the one above.
Our favourite high chair is The Trip Trap chair by Stokke.
Why we love it:
90 angle in between baby’s back and hips
Great back support with a high enough seatback
90 angle for baby’s forearms so easy access to food
Removable tray so baby can come directly to the table to eat
Made in wood so easy to clean
It’s beautiful and available in a large variety of colors
Great for babies just starting out to eat until they are much older
Excellent foot support, which ensures an optimal position and comfort
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